  1. 2. Mayor of Coeur d'Alene.
  2. 5. Respect and obey federal, state and local ---.
  3. 7. Current President of the United States.
  4. 8. The quality of an individual's response to membershipin a community.
  5. 12. Right to a prompt and fair ---.
  6. 18. Pay --- honestly, on time, to federal, state authorities.
  7. 20. Responsibility to participate in the democratic process.
  1. 1. The name of the blue rectangle on the American Flag.
  2. 3. Governor of Idaho.
  3. 4. Wrote the words for the National Anthem.
  4. 6. The 2nd President of the United States.
  5. 9. We have the right to freedom of ---, or to express ourselves.
  6. 10. Freedom to pursue "life, ---, and the pursuit of happiness."
  7. 11. 34th President of the United States.
  8. 13. Pledge of --- to the American Flag.
  9. 14. Vice President of the United States.
  10. 15. Freedom of ---, to worship as you wish.
  11. 16. Phrase added in 1954 to the pledge.
  12. 17. Displayed at --- as a sign of respect or mourning.
  13. 19. Nickname for the American Flag.