
  1. 2. Where are they going on their honeymoon?
  2. 5. Model of Hope's first car
  3. 6. What month did Kenny propose in?
  4. 7. Kenny's favorite pastime
  5. 8. How many Fur-babies do they have?
  6. 12. Where did Kenny meet his Best man?
  7. 15. Kenny's favorite video game
  8. 16. How many years have they been together?
  9. 17. Where did they go on their first trip?
  10. 19. Hope's favorite baseball team
  11. 21. What house is hope sorted in?
  12. 22. What sport did Hope Play in Highschool?
  13. 24. What's the name of their first fur-baby?
  14. 25. Where did Kenny pop the question?
  15. 26. What is both of their occupation
  16. 27. What does Hope Drive?
  1. 1. Kenny's favorite superhero
  2. 3. Kenny's Favorite hobby (2 words)
  3. 4. Kenny's favorite series (2 words)
  4. 9. Kenny's man crush (2 words)
  5. 10. How many siblings does the bride have?
  6. 11. Where did they meet?
  7. 13. Hope's Least favorite chore
  8. 14. Hope's favorite color
  9. 18. Kenny's favorite cake
  10. 20. Hope's favorite food
  11. 23. Kenny's favorite color