
  1. 2. Sport Dan played in college
  2. 4. Analissa's maiden name
  3. 6. Where was the bachelor party?
  4. 9. The honeymoon location
  5. 12. Bride's signature drink?
  6. 14. Their first trip together (it's very windy)
  7. 18. Said I love you first
  8. 20. The wedding venue
  9. 21. Dan's signature drink?
  10. 22. Dan's favorite NFL team
  11. 25. The month he proposed
  12. 26. Best Man
  13. 27. Our favorite college team
  1. 1. Maid of Honor
  2. 3. Dan's hometown
  3. 5. Winston's big little brother
  4. 7. The smooshed face pup
  5. 8. The better cook
  6. 10. Analissa's hometown
  7. 11. Our first road trip
  8. 13. Wedding month
  9. 14. Our favorite Sunday morning beverage
  10. 15. Their favorite ice cream shop
  11. 16. Wedding hashtag
  12. 17. What's the cut type of Analissa's engagement ring?
  13. 19. what they can never agree on
  14. 23. Where was the Bachelorette?
  15. 24. Where Dan proposed
  16. 28. How many years have the bride and groom have been together