- 2. The city where Justin & Kristen live
- 4. Justin’s favorite sports team
- 7. Justin & Kristen’s favorite TV show
- 9. Kristen’s favorite color
- 10. Company that Justin & Kristen met working together
- 13. Number of siblings Justin has
- 14. Where Justiin & Kristen first met
- 15. Justin & Kristen’s favorite date night activity
- 18. Justin & Kristen both share this eye color
- 19. Kristen’s middle name
- 21. Bride & Groom’s favorite summer activity
- 1. Furthest camping trip taken together
- 3. Kristen’s hometown
- 5. State Kristen was born in
- 6. The month of Justin’s birthday
- 8. Name of the Best Man
- 10. Justin’s favorite color
- 11. The month Justin proposed
- 12. Justin’s favorite racecar driver
- 13. Number of Bridesmaids
- 16. Their favorite season
- 17. The Bride’s profession
- 20. Name of the Maid of Honor