wedding last

  1. 1. What month did the groom propose
  2. 5. Brides’ favorite flower
  3. 6. Groom’s favorite sports team
  4. 8. Location of their honeymoon
  5. 9. Bride’s favorite color
  6. 11. Bride’s maiden name
  7. 14. Where did the couple first meet
  8. 15. Color of bride’s eyes
  9. 18. Name of the Matron of Honor
  10. 19. How many siblings does the Bride and Groom each have
  11. 20. Where did Jack propose
  1. 2. Groom’s middle name
  2. 3. Bride’s hometown
  3. 4. Groom’s profession
  4. 7. Groom’s favorite food
  5. 10. What was the couple’s college mascot
  6. 12. Name of best man
  7. 13. Groom’s hometown
  8. 16. Bride’s middle name
  9. 17. Introducing Mr. and Mrs.
  10. 20. Groom’s favorite color