
  1. 4. Joey's major
  2. 9. Ananya's nickname
  3. 11. Ananya's favourite app
  4. 12. University the couple attended
  5. 16. 2/3 of the bridesmaids
  6. 17. Where Joey is from
  7. 19. Joey's favourite movie genre
  8. 21. Couple's favorite restaurant
  9. 22. Total number of siblings
  10. 23. The couple makes this great dessert
  11. 24. Joey's favorite band
  1. 1. The couple's anniversary month
  2. 2. Ananya's favourite musician
  3. 3. Joey teaches this subject
  4. 5. Flavour of the wedding cake
  5. 6. Site of the proposal
  6. 7. Mutually disliked condiment
  7. 8. Couple's first meeting location
  8. 10. Ananya's major
  9. 13. Joey's middle names
  10. 14. Ananya's residency
  11. 15. Honeymoon destination
  12. 18. Shared sport
  13. 20. Where Ananya was born