Wedding Crossword

  1. 1. Which month is the couple’s birthdays in?
  2. 3. Their shared favourite cocktail. ———————— Martini
  3. 6. How did the couple meet?
  4. 9. Number of years together.
  5. 11. Nickname the couple have for each other.
  6. 12. Groom’s middle name.
  7. 14. Groom’s favourite Disney movie.
  8. 16. What football team do we support?
  9. 20. Bride’s favourite Disney movie.
  10. 22. Bride’s favourite food.
  11. 24. First dance song title.
  12. 25. Best Man’s relation to the Groom?
  1. 2. Groom’s favourite drink.
  2. 4. Bonded over their shared love of……
  3. 5. What was the Bride wearing when the Groom proposed?
  4. 7. Which city did the couple go on their first weekend away together?
  5. 8. Number of bridesmaids.
  6. 10. Film series the couple watch every year in the countdown to Christmas.
  7. 13. Bride’s middle name.
  8. 15. The couple got engaged after seeing this show in London.
  9. 17. Couple’s honeymoon destination?
  10. 18. Which month did the Groom propose in?
  11. 19. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
  12. 21. Harry Potter house the couple are in.
  13. 23. Groom’s favourite hobby.