- 7. What is the name of Sam's online shop?
- 8. what is our house number?
- 11. What dog breed do we have?
- 12. What sport does Katie play every week?
- 13. How many siblings do we both have?
- 14. Who is our eldest dog?
- 16. What is our favourite cuisine?
- 17. What is Sam's favourite drink?
- 1. How many places have we lived together?
- 2. What was our first holiday abroad?
- 3. What is Katie's favourite Desert?
- 4. What is the name of our favourite theatre show?
- 5. How many kids would sam like?
- 6. What present do we buy each other a lot of?
- 9. How many years have we been together?
- 10. Where was Sam born?
- 15. Where did we both work at the same place?