Wedding Day

  1. 7. What is the name of Sam's online shop?
  2. 8. what is our house number?
  3. 11. What dog breed do we have?
  4. 12. What sport does Katie play every week?
  5. 13. How many siblings do we both have?
  6. 14. Who is our eldest dog?
  7. 16. What is our favourite cuisine?
  8. 17. What is Sam's favourite drink?
  1. 1. How many places have we lived together?
  2. 2. What was our first holiday abroad?
  3. 3. What is Katie's favourite Desert?
  4. 4. What is the name of our favourite theatre show?
  5. 5. How many kids would sam like?
  6. 6. What present do we buy each other a lot of?
  7. 9. How many years have we been together?
  8. 10. Where was Sam born?
  9. 15. Where did we both work at the same place?