Wedding Guck

  1. 2. Number of pets we share
  2. 5. Emily's profession
  3. 6. A food we both hate
  4. 7. The last thing Tanner ate before his appendectomy
  5. 9. Tanner's favorite Taylor Swift song
  6. 13. The place we ate after getting engaged
  7. 14. Emily's favorite band (besides BTS)
  8. 15. Tanner's favorite character from "Spongebob Squarepants"
  9. 16. Tanner's least favorite corporation
  10. 17. The only book Tanner has read this year
  11. 19. Lemony's (our cat's) bookish shelter name
  1. 1. Emily's favorite movie from 2005
  2. 3. City where we had our first apartment
  3. 4. Tanner's favorite meal of the day
  4. 8. The number of years Emily has been vegetarian
  5. 10. The main stone in Emily's ring
  6. 11. A place we have both worked
  7. 12. Where we plan to go for our honeymoon
  8. 17. Emily's college major
  9. 18. The month of our first date