Wedding Kids

  1. 2. Only one person talking
  2. 5. Pretty decorations that smell nice
  3. 6. Name of today’s event
  4. 9. Spoken promise between bride and groom
  5. 10. The bride’s name
  6. 14. Raise your glasses
  7. 15. One each for the bride and groom
  8. 17. Cut by the bride and groom
  9. 18. Meal eaten with a knife and fork
  1. 1. Meal eaten with a spoon
  2. 3. Thrown by the bride
  3. 4. The groom’s name
  4. 7. Move to music
  5. 8. Man that is getting married
  6. 11. Say cheese
  7. 12. Traditional clothing for a lady
  8. 13. Woman that is getting married
  9. 16. Related people