Wedding Trivia

  1. 2. Name of their dog.
  2. 4. Location of their first date
  3. 7. Couples youngest daughter
  4. 8. Month AJ proposed
  5. 9. What does the bride teach?
  6. 12. How many cats do the couple have?
  7. 13. Where did the couple meet?
  8. 15. Maid of Honor's name.
  1. 1. What city is the Groom from?
  2. 3. Grooms favorite spirit.
  3. 5. Couples oldest daughter
  4. 6. What street do they live on?
  5. 10. How many years have the couple been together?
  6. 11. Best man's name
  7. 14. What city is the Bride from?
  8. 16. Where is they go to college?