
  1. 3. State where Casey was born
  2. 6. Who is younger, Aaron or Casey
  3. 7. Month of Aaron's birthday
  4. 9. Place where the couple met
  5. 10. Couples favorite baseball team
  6. 13. Aaron's favorite beer
  7. 16. Aaron's major during college
  8. 19. "You may now _______ the bride"
  9. 21. Aaron's favorite band
  10. 22. Aaron's youngest brother
  11. 23. Wild Wings / Where the couple ate on their first date.
  1. 1. Aaron's favorite hockey team
  2. 2. Casey's favorite color
  3. 3. Star of "Edge of Darkness", the movie the couple saw on their first date.
  4. 4. Number of bridesmaids
  5. 5. Billy Idol's "_________ Wedding"
  6. 8. Town where the couple met
  7. 11. Casey's Maid of Honor
  8. 12. Month when the couple started dating
  9. 13. Casey's favorite movie
  10. 14. Casey's favorite TV show
  11. 15. Month of Casey's birthday
  12. 17. Movie the couple watched on their second date, also starring Mel Gibson
  13. 18. Couples favorite amusement park
  14. 20. Aaron's favorite sport