week 1 and 2

  1. 3. events that cause much suffering distress or loss
  2. 6. to work or act
  3. 7. a confusing series of paths or passageways
  4. 8. full of danger
  5. 11. took something apart peace by peace
  6. 12. an area that has some special quality or condition
  7. 13. changed or arranged to fit a need or demand
  8. 14. a special job or task
  9. 15. to leave and not return
  1. 1. a force that pulls to objects together
  2. 2. hard work
  3. 4. the air water and soil and all the other things that surround us
  4. 5. to be successful or win
  5. 6. very cold
  6. 9. a journey with specific purpose
  7. 10. not lived in