Week 12 recap

  1. 2. Dualistic philosopher who proposed 'cogito ergo sum'
  2. 6. The idea that humans are central to our theories and approaches
  3. 7. Moral _____, a term used by Smith to suggest a form of personhood that isn't about agency, but rather being the object of actions
  4. 8. (2 words) A Latin term that refers to the theological idea that humans are made in God's image
  5. 9. A set of ideas that advocate human enhancement in various forms
  6. 11. The idea that we can speak of an abstract human nature
  7. 14. A term used to critique male-centred patterns of thinking
  8. 16. A term that suggests a parity of *outcomes*, not necessarily a parity of starting points
  9. 17. James Lovelock's hypothesis that suggests a pantheistic approach to nature
  1. 1. A term associated with Genesis 1, which can also be interpreted as 'stewardship'
  2. 3. A philosophy that our 'existence' precedes our 'essence'
  3. 4. A way of conceptualising human-nature relations that sees humans as active against a passive nature
  4. 5. A methodology associated with 'new science' that emphasises the role of observation and deduction
  5. 10. Another way of referring to 'playing God'
  6. 12. Peter ___, theorist who wrote the seminal text 'Animal Liberation'
  7. 13. Theorist who proposed the notion of 'The Gap' between humans and animals
  8. 14. The speculative notion, coined by Crutzen, that humans are having a significant impact on the earth
  9. 15. The idea, associated with Charles Darwin, that humans descended from apes - can also suggest a future involving human enhancement