Week 12 - Spellings

  1. 3. an established or official way of doing something.
  2. 7. Rhymes with abstain
  3. 9. The action of marking one's pleasure at an
  4. 10. social, activity.
  5. 11. Rhymes with ration
  6. 12. Another word for attractively
  7. 13. Cause someone tobecome involved
  8. 14. Also known as magnificence
  9. 15. worth remembering or easily remembered
  10. 16. Another word for gritty
  11. 17. The opposite of unwelcome
  12. 20. The opposite of dry
  13. 21. Is the opposite of rude
  14. 23. upper body
  1. 1. Rhymes with aniversar
  2. 2. The opposite of doubtfully.
  3. 4. The opposite of deny
  4. 5. Also known as byline
  5. 6. Rhymes with antique
  6. 8. Another word for possessions
  7. 18. Also known as a doctor
  8. 19. event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable,
  9. 22. a knitted garment typically with long sleeves, worn over