Week 12- spellings

  1. 4. a stock or supply of money, materials, staff , and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively
  2. 5. Also known as criticize
  3. 8. Also known as byline
  4. 11. The opposite of dry
  5. 14. without doubt certainly
  6. 16. Another word for style
  7. 18. a person qualified to practice medicine
  8. 20. Rhymes iwth antique
  1. 1. Rhymes with cage
  2. 2. Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it
  3. 3. The opposite os unwelcome
  4. 6. demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal
  5. 7. Pleasing the senses or mind
  6. 9. Rhymes with decoration
  7. 10. The opposite of criticism
  8. 12. The opposite of rude
  9. 13. Also known as unforgettable
  10. 15. Another word for process
  11. 17. Rhymes with better
  12. 19. Ryhmes with anniversary