Week 12 SPT 03

  1. 2. Disasters such as Biological contamination, Gas leak, Robbery and War
  2. 8. The speed and manner of disaster response is often critical to the recovery, rehabilitation, and outcome.
  3. 10. Disasters caused by calamities.
  1. 1. Materials are put in a freezer for months.
  2. 3. A serious situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action.
  3. 4. An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe.
  4. 5. All activities performed to mitigate another disaster.
  5. 6. Includes all operations after the initial response including restoration of the collections and/or services.
  6. 7. Materials are dried in their place on shelves by large commercial dehumidifiers that are brought on site.
  7. 9. An online disaster planning tool, perfect for small and medium-sized institutions that do not have in-house preservation staff.