Week 2 Spelling (Green Group)

  1. 1. to not drink water
  2. 3. to panic
  3. 6. a hard place to live in
  4. 7. to frighten
  5. 9. unplanned
  6. 12. tooken
  7. 14. quickly
  8. 15. very bad
  9. 16. attractive
  10. 17. inheritance
  1. 2. melodic
  2. 4. rude
  3. 5. a tool in the kitchen
  4. 7. about history
  5. 8. a place of safety or refuge
  6. 10. conflict
  7. 11. inherited
  8. 13. to increase
  9. 14. to eat or gather
  10. 17. sleep during winter