Week 2 Vocabulary

  1. 2. treachery
  2. 7. extremely careful
  3. 8. hasty, not thorough
  4. 11. not affected or hurt by
  5. 13. danger
  6. 14. given to fighting, warlike
  7. 15. longing for something past
  8. 17. to move backward, to move back to an original condition
  9. 19. to praise extravagantly
  1. 1. peaceable or friendly
  2. 3. a large-scale destruction, especially by fire
  3. 4. to examine closely
  4. 5. a moving force, impulse, stimulus
  5. 6. a wry face
  6. 9. having a deep-seated distaste
  7. 10. the purest essence or form of something
  8. 12. possible, able to be done
  9. 16. expert in the use of hands or minds
  10. 18. unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest