Week 21 (Lesson 10-18) Vocabulary

  1. 1. to live in a place; to dwell
  2. 8. famous for something
  3. 10. shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible
  4. 12. to dig out
  5. 14. of far-reaching important
  6. 17. to sway or lean while moving
  7. 19. highly respected
  8. 21. 11 Vocabulary
  9. 24. to decorate
  10. 25. covering a large area; immense
  11. 28. to sprinkle or smear with an oily liquid, often as part of a religious ceremony
  12. 29. to thrive
  13. 30. sure of oneself
  14. 31. to change or develop gradually
  15. 32. of different kinds of sorts
  1. 2. evil; wicked
  2. 3. to disclose or reveal
  3. 4. causing ruin
  4. 5. to force out in a large amount
  5. 6. to cause great worry or pain
  6. 7. to get back; to recover
  7. 9. to enclose in
  8. 11. to look carefully over an area in search of something
  9. 13. to take out
  10. 15. to hold or treat as dear
  11. 16. fascinated or captivated
  12. 18. full of joy
  13. 20. unsure or hesitant
  14. 22. to walk leisurely
  15. 23. motionless with fear or horror
  16. 24. skillful
  17. 26. as much or much than is needed
  18. 27. the place of an event