Week 3

  1. 1. how many pounds something is
  2. 5. absolutely true
  3. 6. a month in the year
  4. 7. you are in 4th _______
  5. 8. to start something
  6. 11. someone you live next to
  7. 13. something that holds two things together
  8. 15. a presentation to show off
  9. 17. I will see you _____
  1. 2. to give more detail on a topic
  2. 3. something that carrier blood through your body
  3. 4. Where the moon lives
  4. 5. a large way of transportation
  5. 9. a joint that connects your foot and leg
  6. 10. you are ____ to do something
  7. 12. very fast
  8. 14. someone you do not know
  9. 16. the focus or big idea