Week 3 Diabetes

  1. 2. One of the 3 Ps of hyperglycemia
  2. 7. Cells become resistant to insulin
  3. 9. 86 million adults have this and don't know it
  4. 10. Highest prevalence of diabetes for ethnic group
  5. 12. Can cause hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients
  6. 13. type 1 DM is this type of disease
  1. 1. Glucose attached to hemoglobin
  2. 3. This type of insulin should be given within 15 minutes of mealtime
  3. 4. Bodies that are a product of fat metabolism
  4. 5. Most significant risk factor for Type 2 DM
  5. 6. Loss of fat tissues in areas of repeated injections
  6. 8. Type of insulin that is secreted continuously
  7. 11. Insulin absorbs fastest here