Week 4- Chapter 3 Language and Cultural Meaning

  1. 4. The substitution of one entity by another based on their shared occurrence in context rather than on the similarity of their attributes
  2. 5. Setting, Categories that re appropriately understood only in the context of culturally shared expectations
  3. 9. The process of attributing animate or human qualities to nonliving entities or events
  4. 11. Presupposition, The fact that participants in speech interactions come to encounter with an array of knowledge and understandings (models) of their culture are expressed and transmitted through language
  5. 12. Terms, Used to metaphorically to nonrelatives
  6. 14. Domain, An aggregate of words, all sharing a core meaning, related to a specific topic
  1. 1. Vocabulary of a language in order to discover direct and indirect meaning of words
  2. 2. Analysis, The procedure used to determine significant contrasts
  3. 3. Indigenous systems of meaning, of a culture and its members
  4. 6. Unstated comparisons between entities or events that share certain features
  5. 7. Systems of classification that people construct to organize knowledge of their universe
  6. 8. Idealized, internalized conceptualization of an object, quality, or activity
  7. 10. Meaning, Central sense within the whole range of meaning it has; "best example"
  8. 13. Color Term, A theory of universal color categories and their sequential development