Week 4 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. - the region of the upper atmosphere where temperatures increase continuously as you get farther away from Earth.
  2. 4. - against; opposite
  3. 7. - the passage of water by a plant through membranes or pores in its leaves, stems, or flowers.
  4. 8. - across; through
  5. 11. - any substance foreign to the body that causes an immune response.
  1. 1. - the process of turning from a liquid to a vapor (gas) without reaching the boiling point.
  2. 3. - located, taking place, or traveling among the stars.
  3. 5. - against; opposite
  4. 6. - protein produced by the body’s immune system when it detects harmful substances called antigens.
  5. 9. - between; among
  6. 10. - heat; warm