Week 5: Prefixes dis- and pre-

  1. 3. (verb) to vanish from sight; to stop existing
  2. 6. (adjective) having power, authority, or influence over others
  3. 10. (noun) rudeness or a lack of courtesy; (verb) to treat someone with rudeness or contempt
  4. 11. (verb) to remove or unload; to fire a weapon like a gun or missile; to relieve of an obligation or duty
  5. 12. (verb) to put an end or stop to
  6. 13. (noun) an assessment to see what students know at the beginning of a unit or year
  1. 1. (verb) to cut or end an attachment; to withdraw into one's own world
  2. 2. (verb) to have been settled or decided in advance
  3. 4. (verb) to have prepared or planned for beforehand
  4. 5. (noun) a state of unease, mild pain, or hardship
  5. 7. (verb) to engage in an argument or debate; (noun) a debate or sharp difference of opinion
  6. 8. (verb) to sign up or enroll before the official sign-up period begins
  7. 9. (adjective) susceptible to something, such as a disease; having a tendency or inclination toward some thought or action