week 50 g2

  1. 1. (noun) are the parts of the body that allow humans or animals to walk and stand.
  2. 4. (adjective) means being kind and good natured. E g. The vet was very gentle with the animals.
  3. 6. (noun) is someone who behaves in a way to capture other people’s attention.
  4. 8. (adjective) means being easily frightened.
  5. 9. (verb) is to formally award someone with a gift or reward.
  6. 11. (verb) is to make certain the truth of something.
  7. 12. (noun) is a piece of fabric made of cotton, wool or other materials.
  8. 13. (noun) means a place that is covered with trees and plants.
  9. 14. (noun) is someone who puts on clothes for a catwalk or to be photographed.
  10. 17. (noun) means a person standing close by watching something without getting involved.
  11. 18. (adjective) is feeling great joy over a success.
  12. 21. (verb) is to make large movements because of extreme pain.
  13. 22. (verb) is to overexert and injure a muscle or a limb.
  1. 2. (verb) is to reach out as far as possible.
  2. 3. (noun) describes a group of people, especially in reference to girls. It is also used to describe a group of birds.
  3. 5. (verb) means moving very quickly downwards through the air.
  4. 6. (noun) means the action of assisting or helping someone.
  5. 7. (verb) is walk a long distance in the mountains or the countryside.
  6. 9. (verb) is to carry out a task or job.
  7. 10. (noun) is an official who looks out for illegal activities along the coast or the waters in a country.
  8. 13. (verb) is to lie on the surface of water without sinking.
  9. 15. (noun) is bags or suitcases used when travelling.
  10. 16. (noun) is an indoor venue with rows of seats where people come to watch a performance or other activity.
  11. 19. (verb) means to know the meaning of something.
  12. 20. (verb) is to provide seeds with basic needs so that it can become a plant.