Week 7

  1. 4. passed historical knowledge from father to son
  2. 5. strength
  3. 7. wealthy landowners
  4. 9. unlimited power
  5. 10. a ruler
  6. 11. warriors for Islam
  7. 13. an area of fertile grasslands
  8. 15. general
  9. 17. Vast grass
  10. 18. decadents from a common ancestor
  1. 1. the crime of betraying ones government or country
  2. 2. boats with triangular sails
  3. 3. sole control over gold and trade
  4. 4. semidesert region
  5. 6. diplomatic representatives
  6. 8. group of people who travel together
  7. 12. tyrannical
  8. 13. Saharan trade network
  9. 14. areas filled by khans
  10. 16. Clovis point, atlatls tipped with stone spearpoints