Week 7 spelling words

  1. 2. Of towering height, towering, soaring.
  2. 5. Mouthful, a small piece.
  3. 6. A piece of enclosed land with fruit trees
  4. 7. One circuit of a racetrack.
  5. 8. Expression or feeling of opposition or disapproval
  6. 11. Wild animal's hiding place or den.
  7. 12. Following with intent to overtake or capture.
  8. 13. Deceive by greater ingenuity
  1. 1. A condition or state, especially an unfortunate one.
  2. 3. An offer of marriage, suggestion of a given course of action.
  3. 4. Drudgery
  4. 9. Indispensible thing, unavoidable
  5. 10. A formal written request, esp. signed by many people.
  6. 12. Hurl many small missiles.