Week 9 Crossword

  1. 6. The past tense of tiring.
  2. 8. The end of an essay.
  3. 9. When you write the opposite of capitals.
  4. 11. The opposite of early.
  5. 12. When you fix things in your work.
  6. 15. Proper nouns such as names need this.
  7. 17. A pretty insect that flutters around.
  8. 18. A location where you can find cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, vegetables and more.
  9. 19. Someone that looks after your health and works at hospitals.
  1. 1. When you write letters in CAPITALS.
  2. 2. The past tense of meet.
  3. 3. A mighty animal from Africa with a mane.
  4. 4. When you finish an essay and go back to re-read it again.
  5. 5. A moment of time.
  6. 7. Includes full stop, comma, question mark and exclamation point.
  7. 10. The beginning of an essay or when you give someone your name.
  8. 13. A chunk of an essay that is at least three sentences.
  9. 14. A hole in the ground that you can go exploring in.
  10. 16. An assignment that you give to your teacher.
  11. 17. Something that you use to carry objects in.