Week One and Two

  1. 5. Crime as an extension which causes harm to others
  2. 8. Clark, 2004 found an unpredictable relationship between the fear of crime and actual personal victimization
  3. 9. The influence of mass media and fear of crime
  4. 10. Meaning 'of the courts'
  5. 11. Fear of crime influenced by how readily we access images of crime
  6. 14. The psychology of criminal behaviour and its social context
  7. 15. Relating to criminal, civil and family law
  8. 16. Emotional vulnerability influenced by belief or victimization risk
  1. 1. Samples from respondents about offending
  2. 2. A group or individual that is defined by society as a threat to their interests and values causes..
  3. 3. Responsible for creating the term moral panic
  4. 4. Measurement for crimes recorded by police
  5. 6. Sample from respondents about their experience of victimization in a 12mnth period
  6. 7. A study conducted to test peoples' ability to do the right thing, used to state that crime over a person's life time is common
  7. 12. Used by law to define how society should act
  8. 13. Activities that violate human rights