Weekly Crossword_Spelling List #17

  1. 4. A sense of feeling welcome, familiarity, friendship or other close emotional relationship with another person or people
  2. 5. A conjunction used in sentences to offer a reason/explanation to a statement
  3. 6. A person who has left or been forced from their home country due to war, persecution or natural disasters [push factors]to live in a foreign country
  4. 7. To express joy or another emotion with an audible [loud or soft] vocal expulsion of air from the lungs.
  5. 9. To act on or produce a change in; impact
  6. 11. Willingness to give or share; unselfishness
  7. 13. A conclusion or opinion based on clues that have not been directly stated
  8. 16. The state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.
  1. 1. A medical professional specializing in surgery
  2. 2. The second month in a calendar year
  3. 3. Freedom from the control, influence, support of others.
  4. 5. An informational pamphlet or leaflet
  5. 8. Having a strong command or understanding of something; expert skill or knowledge
  6. 10. Protection given by another country to a person fleeing unfavourable circumstances in their home country
  7. 12. A conjunction used to introduce the first of two or more alternatives
  8. 14. A person who lives near you.
  9. 15. The product, result or consequence of something