Weekly Print Weekly Crossword

  1. 2. A pound of rice, a pound of feathers. Which one is heavier?
  2. 5. Fill in the blank: Peter ______
  3. 8. Our Principle
  4. 9. Capitol of Nebraska
  5. 10. Type of device; School issued
  6. 11. 7+9
  7. 13. A Well-Known Newspaper
  8. 14. The microscopic life form that forms the Force in Star Wars
  1. 1. Joe Biden’s son
  2. 3. One of the Harry Potter Golden Trio
  3. 4. First Female Supreme Court Justice
  4. 5. Informational audio
  5. 6. Emblazoned in big, friendly letters on the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
  6. 7. A Writing Tool
  7. 9. Virginia is for ______
  8. 12. Opposite of noob