Welcome Baby Thomas

  1. 1. Laura hopes that the baby will have his dads?
  2. 5. How many siblings do Laura and Thomas have together?
  3. 6. What will the middle name of the baby be?
  4. 8. What is the name of the babies four legged sister?
  5. 10. What couldn't Laura eat during the first trimester?
  6. 12. What is Laura’s biggest pregnancy craving?
  7. 13. Hospital where baby Thomas will be delivered?
  8. 18. What was Laura favorite show as a child?
  9. 19. Laura and Thomas favorite weekend activity?
  10. 20. Thomas hopes the baby will have moms?
  11. 22. Where did the couple meet?
  1. 2. What does Laura's dad want the baby to call him?
  2. 3. Who will be more nervous when labor starts?
  3. 4. First person to find out the couple was expecting?
  4. 5. Where did Laura grow up?
  5. 7. Where did Laura and Thomas honeymoon?
  6. 9. The baby is currently the size of this vegetable?
  7. 11. How old is the babies older sister,McKenna??
  8. 14. Laura can’t wait to sip this after baby arrives?
  9. 15. Laura's due date?
  10. 16. What is Laura’s middle name?
  11. 17. What month is Laura’s birthday?
  12. 21. What caused damage to Laura's favorite blanket as a child?