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  1. 2. tool you'll use to calculate answers
  2. 4. math statement representing a value
  3. 7. bottom value in a fraction
  4. 9. (plural) the numbers multiplied together
  5. 11. a math value with 2 terms
  6. 14. the number in front of a variable
  7. 15. your awesome math teacher
  8. 17. a math value with 3 terms
  9. 19. the inverse operation of multiplication
  10. 20. the result of subtraction
  11. 22. the inverse operation of division
  12. 24. the value that makes an equation true
  13. 25. top value in a fraction
  14. 26. the Dallas football team
  1. 1. the result of division
  2. 3. your school mascot
  3. 5. math sentence where 2 values are equal
  4. 6. what you'll bring to class everyday to write with
  5. 8. used to represent an unknown number
  6. 10. to replace a variable with a value
  7. 12. (plural) the address where a point is located
  8. 13. the point where a line crosses an axis
  9. 16. the result of multiplication
  10. 18. the point (0, 0) where the axes cross
  11. 21. the result of addition
  12. 23. (plural) positive and negative whole numbers