Welcome back to school!

  1. 3. where the teacher writes things
  2. 6. Removes mistakes
  3. 9. To make your drawings colourful!
  4. 10. where we are going for our school trip
  5. 11. where you spend recess
  6. 14. For when you are thristy
  7. 17. Where you do your work
  8. 18. What you write with
  9. 20. Where you keep all your school supplies
  1. 1. where you sit
  2. 2. another word for student
  3. 4. a line of people waiting for things
  4. 5. can give you a tan
  5. 7. shoes you wear inside
  6. 8. something you can connect to you ipad
  7. 12. What you use to measure with and underline your answers.
  8. 13. what you write in
  9. 15. a plan for how to spend your money
  10. 16. Keeps your food contained
  11. 19. where you can work in bookcreator