Welcome Back to School 2022 2023

  1. 3. My dog's _____ is Ziggy.
  2. 5. What school do you attend?
  3. 9. How many pets do I have?
  4. 13. If you want to look up a word you can't spell, you can use the __________ feature on Google.com.
  5. 15. Ms. Lexi likes to call her class ________ Arts because it is so much more than just writing sentences neatly.
  6. 17. Ms. Lexi's desk is in _______ 403.
  7. 18. Ms. Lexi encourages ______ to come ask for help, when necessary.
  8. 19. What famous writer said, "The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter - 'tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning."
  1. 1. If your homework is one day ______ you'll lose 50% of your grade.
  2. 2. On my Interactive Classroom, Sasquatch says to "_________ in yourself."
  3. 4. We use Google ________ to find our assignments.
  4. 6. When you click on the Mona Lisa in my Interactive Classroom, it takes you to the Smithsonian American _____ Museum's website.
  5. 7. On Google Classroom, we will be using _______ to practice our rules of grammar this year.
  6. 8. You can email Ms. Lexi at ________@ccde.org.
  7. 10. Ms. ________ works at the front desk.
  8. 11. I can't wait to ________ with you this year!
  9. 12. It is important to use ________-reliance to help us answer our own questions.
  10. 14. What color is my hair in my profile picture on Google Classroom?
  11. 16. Check your _______ list for upcoming homework and assignments.