Welcome Back!

  1. 3. Where you live
  2. 5. Something that we love but everyone says is for children
  3. 9. My second favourite girl's name
  4. 11. What my Rainbow Magic fairy is
  5. 13. How hot you have your chicken at Nando's
  6. 14. Your favourite YouTube channel
  7. 16. How hot I have my chicken at Nando's
  8. 17. What show do I need to finish Season 7 of?
  9. 19. Where I live
  10. 25. What I ordered from Starbucks when we were doing the Poppy Appeal counting
  11. 28. What I always call you
  12. 29. Where does Kara's fiance work?
  13. 30. The month we met
  14. 31. My second favourite colour
  15. 32. My favourite girl's name
  1. 1. My favourite Youtube channel
  2. 2. Where you got the grey bobbly hat
  3. 4. Our current snapchat streak
  4. 6. My favourite Eurovision entry 2017
  5. 7. Do I like you?
  6. 8. The number child you are
  7. 10. How much I love you
  8. 12. What you always call me
  9. 15. The number of children you want (I hope I've got this right tbh)
  10. 18. My favourite Ariana Grande song
  11. 20. What show do you know literally everything about?
  12. 21. My favourite boy's name
  13. 22. That cartoon I showed you that you hated
  14. 23. My favourite Kelly Clarkson song
  15. 24. The number of children I want
  16. 26. One of our favourite foods
  17. 27. What your Rainbow Magic fairy is