Welcome to Summer!

  1. 2. What popular summer treat was invented by accident by an 11 year old boy?
  2. 3. The highest temperature in Canada was recorded in which province (2 words)?
  3. 5. The highest temperature recorded in Canada was caused by what weather phenomenon (2 words)
  4. 6. What sport was created from a pie tin?
  5. 11. According to NASA, ______ is the best month for stargazing.
  6. 12. What type of butterfly spends it's summer in North America before migrating south?
  7. 15. What weather event is more likely to occur in the summer?
  8. 16. What was declared as Canada's official summer sport?
  9. 17. Newfoundland sees more ___ than anywhere else in the world.
  10. 18. In 1816, Canada didn't experience what season?
  1. 1. First day of summer is called the summer _____.
  2. 4. The first modern summer Olympics was held in what ancient city?
  3. 7. What famous attraction "grows" in the summer heat?
  4. 8. What popular summer fruit is actually a vegetable?
  5. 9. What backyard game was once featured in the summer Olympics (3 words)?
  6. 10. July is national _______ month (2 words).
  7. 13. Canada is home to the most _____ in Canada.
  8. 14. This weather phenomenon can cause summer like temperatures in non-summer months (often seen Alberta).