- 2. My dad's father was a police officer but had to quit because my dad's mom forced him.
- 3. She used to live on a lake and she used to be a library teacher.
- 5. They love to watch movies!
- 7. My Grandparents are more than a whole foot in height differential. My Grandpa was a first-generation college-goer.
- 10. He was in the US Army and she was a deaf and blind teacher.
- 13. My Granddad use to own a Christmas factory that made Christmas decorations.
- 15. He was in the marines. She used to live in Iowa. She owns a restaurant at the Puyallup fair.
- 18. She likes to cook and garden.
- 19. Both my Nana and Nonna are funny and loving.
- 20. They live in Colorado
- 21. Both my Grandparents are very helpful!
- 23. She is virtuous. She is kind to everyone. He is faithful to his family. She is bright and joyful.
- 24. My grandparents are amazing and are very sweet, generous and very thoughtful.
- 25. You have a Chocolate Lab named Ellie
- 26. she plays the piano.She used to be a librarian. He is very good at golf!
- 27. My Grandpa was the start of our generational barbershop "Mark's Barber Shop."
- 28. Loves Trivia!
- 1. Very generous and giving.
- 4. My Papa was a chemist!
- 6. They own the cafe Craft 19.
- 8. You love to make chocolate biscotti
- 9. She rescues dogs.
- 11. You love to golf at the Tacoma Country Club and once made a hole in one
- 12. She has 8 siblings and he was in charge of a store.
- 14. They are both very helpful and I am thankful for them
- 16. He is a pilot
- 17. My Grandpa was a Mailman
- 22. They are owners of a Funeral Home
- 24. Schulte, He built his own house.