Welcome to Asia

  1. 3. a national symbol for all countries
  2. 4. a popular music genre in Asia
  3. 5. characteristics or beliefs of a group of people
  4. 8. official currency of India
  5. 10. beliefs and practices that explain the meaning of life
  6. 12. In China it is polite to slurp this food
  7. 13. how humans communicate
  8. 14. a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels
  9. 16. the most popular religion in Asia
  1. 1. is the most common language of Asia
  2. 2. trends that change with the time
  3. 6. utensils used to eat
  4. 7. handed down from generation to generation
  5. 8. in almost every Asian culture holding hands and PDA is considered________
  6. 9. a person from South Korea
  7. 11. Asian New Year is an example of a _________
  8. 15. style of Japanese film and television animation