Welcome to Middle School!

  1. 1. Ms. Chelsi
  2. 3. Our school mascot
  3. 7. The classes I take in order
  4. 10. Woodshop Teacher
  5. 11. Student council plans the fun night time activities
  6. 13. ESS Teacher
  7. 14. All the busses have _______________ names
  8. 16. Our principal
  9. 17. Health and PE Teacher
  10. 18. Band and Choir Teacher
  11. 19. The place we keep our things
  1. 2. I have to keep my grades up to play sports
  2. 4. Social Studies teacher
  3. 5. An assembly
  4. 6. what club does Ms. Reynolds sponsor?
  5. 8. The extra classes that change every 9 weeks
  6. 9. English Teacher
  7. 12. Science Teacher
  8. 15. My first period class teacher
  9. 16. Math teacher