welcome to the web

  1. 2. bar where you type in the website you want to go
  2. 4. the back arrow button
  3. 6. Another of the popular web browsers
  4. 7. has music on it
  5. 8. has pictures text and sound
  6. 9. another of the popular web browsers
  7. 11. the cirlce arrow button
  8. 14. a safe kids search engine
  9. 16. P what buttons you press to print
  10. 17. marks you use these to search phrases
  11. 18. Has school reports on it
  1. 1. another of the popular web browsers
  2. 3. is an acronym for staying safe on the internet
  3. 5. why you should not copy things from the internet without asking
  4. 8. Can usually download and print easily
  5. 10. press CTRL shift plus or minus
  6. 12. the forward arrow button
  7. 13. takes you to new pages
  8. 15. F what you press to bring up the Find bar
  9. 16. one of the popular web browsers