Western Europe

  1. 3. steep-sided valleys that are inlets of the sea.
  2. 7. peninsula What country uses the method called Dry Farming.
  3. 10. Luther Who made a new Christianity call Protestantism.
  4. 16. what are springs that shoot hot water and steam into the air.
  5. 17. natural resources Why is Sweden a wealthy country.
  6. 19. what is Sweden's capital.
  7. 22. what is Iceland's capital.
  8. 23. what low swampy lands.
  9. 24. who has been neutral for centuries.
  10. 26. what country is the most mountainous.
  11. 28. river What river forms the border of France.
  1. 1. what are drained lands called.
  2. 2. what is Portugal's capital.
  3. 4. what plants partly decayed in water which can be dried and used for fuel.
  4. 5. what peninsula make's up most of Denmark.
  5. 6. what country is wealthy from oil and natural gas pumped from beneath the North Sea.
  6. 8. what is the capital of Belgium.
  7. 9. seine and Loire are what.
  8. 11. what is Denmark capital.
  9. 12. what country use geothermal energy to heat produced by natural under ground sources,to heat most homes,buildings,and swimming pools.
  10. 13. what are superhighways called.
  11. 14. what country is slightly smaller than Texas.
  12. 15. What is Finland's capital.
  13. 18. republic Which country has the same government.
  14. 20. how much population lives in the cities like the capital Oslo.
  15. 21. what treeless,windy highlands,and area's with damp ground.
  16. 25. what country speaks many several languages.
  17. 27. republic What is France's government.