  1. 2. Want to learn about quilting? Basket weaving? Do an architectural tour of LA? Go to Rome? It would happen here
  2. 6. Nickname for the yearbook advisor
  3. 7. Head of upper school known for her cape
  4. 9. When the pastel culottes were phased out, they were replaced with these
  5. 11. From pinch pot insects to throwing on the wheel, we learned it all from her
  6. 13. Lunch event that was supposed to teach us about privilege and access to food
  7. 14. The juniors throw an assembly each year to hand out invitations for this event
  8. 18. The “Franny PAC” is named for her
  9. 20. Street name for Westridge’s address
  10. 22. If you were placed into dance for Q3, you got to perform in the ___
  11. 26. Science classes took place in this building
  12. 30. Theme of our senior winter formal
  13. 31. On special dress days, we had to wear this
  14. 32. _____ tentamus
  15. 33. The most common style for a back to school event
  16. 34. Latin teacher who believed she was once engaged to the prince of France
  17. 35. This teacher was “secretly” dating Mr. Eichelberger
  18. 36. Number of girls in the fourth grade class
  1. 1. Twelfth grade nunnery retreat: Casa de _____
  2. 3. Name for “cheerleaders”
  3. 4. If you were out of uniform, you got sent to her office
  4. 5. History teacher who liked to “twizzle” her blinds
  5. 8. Celebration of food that no other school did
  6. 10. Hangout space for twelfth graders
  7. 12. Event you looked forward to all year and hoped would fall on the day of a quiz
  8. 15. Computer game we all wanted to play at recess in Mrs. Awad’s classroom
  9. 16. Name of fourth grade teacher
  10. 17. Upper school bromance: Schroeder and ___
  11. 18. Middle school father daughter events
  12. 19. The place to go for a chocolate chip cookie after school
  13. 21. 8th grade play: I Never Saw Another ___
  14. 23. Senior privilege to wear these items
  15. 24. Raising money for causes by dropping coins in water jugs in the main hall
  16. 25. Location of 8th grade class trip
  17. 27. Full name of middle school math teacher who used to mark all her homework checks “V.V.”
  18. 28. Math teacher known for his sweaters and review jeopardy games
  19. 29. PE unit with a tightrope