Westward Expansion

  1. 2. person who claimed land on the Great Plains
  2. 5. Started from Omaha Nebraska
  3. 9. Enacted by Abraham Lincoln in 1862 that made available 160 acres of free farmland to adult men or widows 21 years of age
  4. 10. Nickname given to the first African American Cavalry regiments of the U.S. Army who served during 1867-1896, fighting Native American Tribes on the frontier
  5. 11. Started from Sacramento California
  6. 13. Name the natives used to call the railroad
  7. 14. Major route used for cattle drive
  8. 16. killed the cowboy
  9. 17. a house built of strips of sod and laid like brickwork
  10. 18. a long journey taken by cowboy to herd, or drive, cattle from the ranches in Texas north on trails leading to the railroads
  1. 1. the place where the Railroads met
  2. 3. Railroad A railroad that crosses an entire continent
  3. 4. Warren_Sears Famous Businessmen who created the first Catalog company
  4. 6. former slave turned cowboy
  5. 7. drove in on May 10,1869
  6. 8. A law passed by congress offering loans and free land to the two Companies building the Railroad
  7. 11. young men from Texas paid to herd cattle north
  8. 12. was one of the Challenges living on the great plains
  9. 15. a person settling on land in the early west prior to the official opening to settlement in order to gain the claim