Westward Expansion

  1. 5. Soldiers- Nickname given to the first African American Cavalry regiments of the U.S. Army who served in the western U.S. during 1867-1896, fighting Native American Tribes on the frontier.
  2. 7. or Soddies-a house built of strips of sod, laid like brickwork, and used especially by settlers on the Great Plains where timber was scarce.
  3. 8. Central Pacific starting from/ Sacramento California and
  4. 10. Warren Sears- Famous businessmen who during the expansion out west founded the R.W. Sears Watch Company, created the first- mail order catalog company which later become Sears Roebuck and Company
  5. 12. Union Pacific starting from/ Omaha Nebraska
  6. 15. Trail- Famous cattle trail used to herd longhorns from San Antonio, Texas to Abilene, Kansas
  7. 16. person who claimed land on the Great Plains under The Homestead Act of 1862 Sodbuster- settler on the Great Plains in the late 1800s who had to “bust” through thick sod to plant crops.
  1. 1. Railway Act- a law passed by Congress in 1862 offering government loans and free land to the two companies building the Transcontinental Railroad. (President Lincoln)
  2. 2. wire- a type of steel fencing with sharp points at various intervals. Invented by Joseph Gliden that resulted in closing the western frontier and ending the cattle drives and cowboy era.
  3. 3. was a person settling on land in the early west prior to the official opening to settlement in order to gain the claim.
  4. 4. Drive- a long journey taken by cowboys to herd, or drive, cattle from the ranches in Texas north on trails leading to the railroads.
  5. 6. Spike- used on the very last rail of the transcontinental railroad marking its completion.
  6. 9. Love- Former slave turned Cowboy. Famous for his skills of roping, and cattle herding.
  7. 11. young men mainly from Texas paid to herd and drive cattle north. Approximately ¼-⅓ all cowboys were Hispanic or African Americans (newly freed slaves-remembers it was 1865 ish)
  8. 13. Act-Enacted by Abraham Lincoln in 1862 that made available 160 acres of free farmland to adult men or widows 21 years of age who were head of their household and who agreed to farm the land for 5 years.
  9. 14. Horse- The name given to the Transcontinental Railroad by Native Americans.