Westward Expansion

  1. 6. cheif of cherokee,petitioned congress to not remove cherokee
  2. 7. 8 lotteries held between 1805-33, worked by entering drawings (“lotteries”) to win land formerly settled by Native Americans
  3. 8. cheif of creek indians,signed second treaty of indian springs and was executed
  4. 9. a member of any of the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America, especially those indigenous to what is now the continental US.
  5. 10. final removal of cherokee from georgia
  6. 12. the founding of this metal lead to john ross and his people bieng kicked off
  7. 14. the creation of this object lead to a boost in profits and a demand for slavery
  1. 1. 530,000,000 acres of land from france for 15 million in 1803
  2. 2. Due to corruption, Georgia ceded land to the U.S. government. The state’s western border moved from the Mississippi River to the Chattahoochee River.
  3. 3. it granted land to indians west of mississipi in exchange for current indian lands
  4. 4. georgia had no right to interfere with cherokees sovereign nation and gerogias laws did not matter
  5. 5. gave land to white male head of households
  6. 11. provided 160 acres of land to anyone who settled out west
  7. 13. first public university
  8. 14. fugitive slave law was enforced in so many free slaves were in fear and slave trade in dc was banned