Westward Expansion

  1. 4. Commonly known as the Mexican-American War.
  2. 5. A term often used to describe the spread of the United States going from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean.
  3. 8. Peace treaty that ended the Mexican War. Which in turn gave the United States the Southwestern states.
  4. 10. Man Slogan that represents the Manifest Destiny
  5. 12. Purchase between the United States and Mexico back in 1853 for Southern Arizona and New Mexico for $10 million.
  1. 1. Agreement between the United States and France for the west lands. This occurred in 1803, and the United States got 800,000 square miles of land for $15 million.
  2. 2. Events or conditions that lead people to move else where.
  3. 3. A war from 1835-1846 fought by Texas and Mexico for Texas's independence.
  4. 6. 1836 battle between Mexico and Texas. With a real catchy slogan
  5. 7. The United States 11th President.
  6. 9. Was a movement that brought settlers West to California in search for gold.
  7. 11. When Mexico gave up what is now the southwestern states to avoid possible annexation of the country.