Wetter Kreuzworträsel

  1. 2. skiing season
  2. 5. March is traditionally
  3. 7. When dazzlings streaks illuminate the sky, "es..."
  4. 8. normal summer temperature (ß=ss)
  5. 9. season of floral rebirth
  6. 11. hazy, hot and muggy
  7. 13. time for picnics and swimming
  8. 14. ice cubes are ...
  9. 15. a cloudy day
  1. 1. very nice out
  2. 3. When water runs off a duck's back "es ..."
  3. 4. not very "kalt"
  4. 5. what everyone talks about
  5. 6. "Es regnet ... Herbst"
  6. 8. Dinner rolls should be served ...
  7. 10. harvest season, think pumpkins
  8. 12. Winter is a ...