W&G: Nouns

  1. 1. Words that name a person, place, thing, or idea.
  2. 3. Type of noun that are general words for persons, places, or things
  3. 6. Type of Noun that are always singular in form no matter how many
  4. 7. Type of noun that indicate that there are two or more persons, places, things, or ideas
  5. 8. The amount of forms that most nouns may have
  6. 9. Type of nouns that name specific people, places, or things.
  1. 2. Type of noun that indicates one person, place, thing, or idea being named
  2. 3. Type of noun that has been formed by combining two words
  3. 4. Type of noun that can be made plural to show how many.
  4. 5. Type of noun that shows ownership or belonging